Friday, January 23, 2009

Better Late Than Never (Christmas recap)

Fearing that I was about to be kicked out of the "Bloggers Club," I decided it was time I got my act together, and posted our Christmas pictures...finally. Yes, it was a crazy, hectic time for us, but it was a lot of fun too. Here are a few of my favorite pictures and moments from our Christmas. Hope you enjoy, and I promise it won't be as long in between posts next time. Well, maybe!

Two words. Poor Santa!

No, Sarah. We don't take pictures of people getting out of the shower or before morning coffee.

I'll just help get you through this one part...

Someone gave you a what!!? Machete?!


Emily V. said...

He needs the machete to get back at the soldiers in the Christmas play! HA! I hate when they jerk him out of the seat. No one will ever play that part as well as your Chris.

The Browning's said...

clay really likes this gift.... he wanted me to let you know.. hehehe

Carol said...

Ahh, I'm glad JT finally got his train table! :-) Looks like you all had a great one.